
Welcome to Beyond.

Beyond is an online publication that examines art through the arrays of race, sexuality, and gender. Here at Beyond, our purpose is to publish material that we are passionate of talking about and out of the respect for others who care too. Educating and entertaining, friends and readers alike, we are hopeful that our exploration through identity within art can be valued amongst others. We are not only showcasing art and the artists who make them that have only come to attention recently but are also providing a source towards examining the groundbreaking revolutionaries in their field, forgotten classics, and simply the most important artists and work that has and continues to make a difference.

Meet the Staff

Scan 87Dan Vruno- Co-Creator and Editor-In-Chief

@Dvruno on Twitter






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Jordyn Taylor- Co-Creator and Editor







Scan 84 (2)Janet Jennings- Editor







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Victoria Conteras- Editor


  1. Joanne Vruno says

    A very talented foursome who created an amazing online magazine. Congratulations on your debut!


  2. Joanne Vruno says

    Congratulations on your debut edition! The layout and articles are great.


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